Start your profitable business on traffic arbitrage, short content Shorts, TikTok, Reels and neural networks. Work in a team and earn up to 50% of transactions. Take part in the creation of unique Onecli offers.



Join to Onecli ecosystem.
and discover new ways to
make a profit online. We
use the most trending options
and create our own trends!

Only the most current trends that work today and bring results...

Christopher Columbus

« You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. »

Onecli. Network
Onecli. Auction
Onecli. Creator

The newest trendy direction from the world of Blockchain, a unique technology that will allow all Onecli. participants to earn money simply by playing the game and developing their virtual world and their character. All in-game items created will have real value, just like items from your real life.


Great idea.
Great startup.

Onecli is a unique neural ecosystem, a multifunctional multicurrency financial platform for generating new services. At the moment, the first 3 services out of 18 are being developed: Gaming metaverse (Onecli.Creator), reverse currency auction (Onecli.Auction), networking (Onecli.Network).

Thanks to theOnecli ecosystem and its three services, you can play an online game and earn Ethereum (ETH) or Binance coin (BNB), buy currency / cryptocurrency / digital products at a reverse currency auction for less than the real market value, and also create your own franchise business using our ready-made IT solutions.

Read the idea in detail

What is

Get to know the ecosystem in 6 minutes

Share price growth chart Share price growth chart Share price growth chart
2019 - 2023

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Initial share price: $0.057
Number of Onecli co-owners: 1 120
Number of registered: 15 933
Current share price: $1.00
Registered today: 5
Referrals Paid: $167 249.93

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Total invested:
658 250$ / 570 000$




A completely new trend in the IT start-up industry. An idea that has no analogues in the world. Unique products that will give all users new opportunities for development.



Thanks to the universal algorithm of the script, the reverse currency auction and the new game NFT product, the company has no competition, which attracts a large number of participants.

Continuous receipt of
profit from the company

Continuous receipt of
profit from the company

Shareholders acquire the opportunity to constantly receive monthly profits from the total income of the company from all created products, forming passive long-term earnings.

in a single ecosystem

in a single ecosystem

The first 3 services that we implement out of 18: Onecli.Creator, Onecli.Auction, Onecli.Network. This will allow each user to choose their type of activity.

Presentation of ONECLI..

Stability. Impeccability. Pride.




The founders of Onecli. talk about products, present an auction and share hot updates

Watch all broadcasts on YouTube: watch all broadcasts.
CLICK Speaker

Onecli. founder



Every investor has the right to request a Onecli certificate and receive it electronically or in physical form.

If you own shares in the amount of 10 to 15,000 shares, you can apply for the generation of a shareholder certificate and receive it electronically to your e-mail.

If you own shares in the amount of 15,000 or more, you can apply for the generation of a shareholder certificate and receive it electronically, as well as in physical form, to your address of residence.

Submission of an application is carried out in a free form on the Email of the company: Be sure to include the following information in the letter and attach the necessary documents:

1) Full name;
2) Ecosystem login;
3) Date of purchasing Onecli. shares
4) Number of shares purchased;
5) Phone number;
6) Scan of the first page of the passport;
7) Residence address;
8) Postcode.

Get a ONECLI. shareholder certificate
It's time
To change

Online learning options.

Roadmap Onecli.

Advertising campaign, entry into new markets, gaming product and auction development

Advertising campaign for markets outside the Russian Federation. Additional sale of shares by the second stage of investment. Optimization of the working RCA, introduction of new functionality and skills. Active development of the game, transition to writing new services (15 services) and functionality.

Q3-Q4. 2022

English localization, new audience, NFT game development and auction launch

We added English, updated English-language social networks and started preparing plans for development (outside the CIS). Beta version of the game. Discord channel for communication between the gaming community. New video presentations on YT channel. We are testing and actively preparing for the start of the auction.

Q1-Q2. 2022

New service – Game NFT Metaverse Onecli. Creator

Presentation of a new service, creation of a separate website with detailed information on the product. The legend of the game world has been published on the website We launched the Alpha version of the NFT gaming product and created a launcher for Windows.

Q3-Q4. 2021

Fresh personal account, full transition to the Web-version of the auction

A new Onecli. personal account with updated functionality was presented. Transferred all scripts from the old domain to a single domain Removed the mobile app. We continued to work on the Web version of the auction, audited the security of the script.

Q2-Q3. 2021

Active work with the community, a new personal web-office

We began to actively build up a reputation by connecting with the community, organized video debates, and worked out all the criticism. The stage of active testing of the redesign of the new personal account has begun, including new functionality, a rule has been introduced for a complete transition to a single domain The first RCA tests have been carried out.

Q1-Q2. 2021

New servers, technical component, new team

The website was transferred to new foreign servers, an audit was conducted by an independent company of individuals, the main team was fully formed, new algorithms were announced and added to the Reverse Currency Auction, the final ways and goals of Onecli. business as an ecosystem were formed.

Q3-Q4. 2020

Onecli. app in AppStore and Google Play

The beta version of the mobile application has been published. We continued to write and improve the foundation script that works inside the ecosystem. We connected the rating system in the shared affiliate program. We tested the auction in a mobile application.

Q1-Q2. 2020

Start writing a «smart» script. Sale of shares of Onecli.

Start of sales of Onecli. shares. The share affiliate program has been improved, a unique script has been written that works on the basis of artificial intelligence called «Youcki». Launch of the “Onecli. Big Game”. We continued to write software for a reverse currency auction, developed the concept of a Mobile application.

Q3-Q4, 2019

Development of a single website and the formation of the term ecosystem

The concept of the website has been fully developed, a unique design has been drawn and made up. We presented the website. We started working with traffic to the new website, preparing the concept of the Onecli. mobile application and redesigning the personal account.

Q1-Q2, 2019

Onecli. Idea. Project presentation

Presented a text file with a detailed idea of the Onecli ecosystem. The implementation is fully described with all financial calculations and the future level of return for investors. The idea is presented in the menu section «Onecli. Idea» on the main site and in a similar section in the Personal Account of the site


RoadMap is always updated. Tasks and deadlines are added as soon as it becomes known that a certain task is ready for implementation and will take “some” time.

Affiliate program of auction.


All registered users receive the status immediately after activating the Onecli.Network service

The profitability in this status is $0.10 per clicks. This amount is divided into three levels ($10 for every 100 clicks)

1 level $0.05
2 level $0.03
3 level $0.02


The status is received by all registered users who have activated the Onecli.Network service and purchased shares in the company (at least $1000)

Holders of VIP status are also given the opportunity to set up an affiliate program at level 1 and receive $0.20 only from the first level

The profitability in this status is $0.20 per clicks. This amount is divided into seven levels ($20 for every 100 clicks)

1 level $0.07
1 level $0.07
2 level $0.05
3 level $0.03
4 level $0.02
5 level $0.01
6 level $0.01
7 level $0.01


One point is one view of the price. Cost of one point is $0.50

This amount is distributed as follows -

Decrease in lot price $0.20
To partners $0.20
To company $0.10

Become a Premium member of Onecli.

Get the advanced features of the Onecli partner program. and full access to training - for this, go through a small registration.


Алексей Катафеев
Alexey Katafeev
Валерия Катафеева
Valeria Katafeeva
Елена Иноземцева
Elena Inozemtseva
Алексей Богданов
Alexey Bogdanov
Андрей Кузьминых
Andrey Kuzminyh
Скворцов Александрн
Skvortsov Alexander
Айнур Габдуллин
Ainur Gabdullin
Дмитрий Голиков
Dmitriy Golikov
Даниил Белимов
Daniil Belimov
Александр Абронин
Alexandr Abronin

Alexey Katafeev

(translated from RU) The birth of Onecli is the birth of a new trend, and only those who read the idea, comprehend and understand it, will see the prospects that this company opens up. I chose Onecli, all first line partners have 3% cashback from me. In total, I earned more than $ 2,000 and my asset grew by 18.5%.

Valeria Katafeeva

(translated from RU) The opportunity to succeed is presented every day, it just needs to be recognized and used. The opportunity to invest at an early stage in a promising company is much less common.

Elena Inozemtseva

(translated from RU) Onecli opens up good opportunities for making money and great prospects for partners. At this time, my friends and I acquired shares and became co-owners of the Company, and we will soon start making profits even before the start of the main earning service - a reverse multicurrency auction. Onecli is financial freedom and a source of passive income for years to come. In the future, Onecli will become a trademark in the world.

Alexey Bogdanov

(translated from RU) Hi, my name is Alexey. I am currently working on one very promising project Onecli, it is NOT a Hype or Pyramid, the Matrix. I know you will say that there are many similar companies. There are many companies, but there are nuances. And here the nuance is in the uniqueness of the idea and in the fact that there are no losers. There is no one who will not make a profit in any case.

Andrey Kuzminyh

(translated from RU) The ambitious Onecli project! An idea that has not yet been on the Internet, which means there will be a lot of excitement among the audience of those who want to make money on the Internet. Therefore, the project is simply doomed to success!

Skvortsov Alexander

(translated from RU) The story of my acquaintance with onecli began in 2019. After watching the video conferences with the founder Anton Vorzhev, the very idea of a reverse currency auction seemed crazy to me, but Anton's commitment to the result and a deep vision of his idea bribed me. I borrowed money and decided to invest in this idea. After 3 years, I see that I made the right decision. This is just the beginning!!!

Ainur Gabdullin

(translated from RU) Onecli has great prospects for the future!

Dmitriy Golikov

(translated from RU) The ONECLI platform interested me, just a super idea! Everyone who is familiar with the idea will agree with me !!!

Daniil Belimov

(translated from RU) Here I am probably like everyone else, all the time in search, in search of material independence. Everyone here says an idea, an idea. There are many ideas in the world, but implementation is the most important thing in the idea. Here you can feel from the quality of the site, the attitude that all this is going to growth, and does not stand still.

Alexandr Abronin

(translated from RU) The Onecli project is interesting primarily for its well-thought-out multifunctionality; it can cover several promising areas at once, including cryptocurrency ones. The support and activity of the company is at the highest level, without deception. I highly recommend everyone to join this project!

Nurgustan Fedotov

(translated from RU) Great platform for generating profit with a unique idea! With the development of an NFT game, the prospects of the project have increased significantly. I hope for a loud start of the project, after which all its participants and investors will receive lifetime profit.

Ekaterina Cheprunova

(translated from RU) Onecli cannot fail to interest, because it is a completely new direction on the market, which has no analogues in the world. For me, Onecli is my financial freedom. I advise everyone to study and accept the Onecli idea. The company also makes it possible to earn money BEFORE the start of the main earning service.

Vitaliy Lapuka

(translated from RU) The Onecli platform attracts with the novelty of the idea. In my opinion, the platform has a great future. Services for convenience and earnings will be constantly added and improved. The creators and organizers are in touch with the participants of the platform. If you want to understand better, write to me in private messages.

Anton Buynitskiy

(translated from RU) hello dear friends !!! I leave a review because I really liked the idea of the ONECLI Creator game, this game inspired me with the following parameters 1. Realism, everything that happens in the game is very similar to our life !!! It's like GTA only cooler because everything is close to reality! 2. This is that the game will introduce a new economy in the field of games, its own crypto currency, its own unique items!

Alexey Bartov

(translated from RU) Onecli is a unique neural IT platform, thanks to which you can buy money cheaper than their cost without commissions and intermediaries in the Onecli auction service. Create your own business on the Onecli platform. Play and earn in the online NFT game Onecli Creator !!!

Alexandr Shalyapin

(translated from RU) The idea of the Onecli project is unique, you will not be offered anything like this anywhere, buying cheap money is a new trend that will compete with any type of earnings today, if you don’t believe, then at least read the idea and if you understand it then this will be your chance for comfortable future!

Marina Mordenko

(translated from RU) A very interesting and promising project! The developers never tire of surprising with new ideas, and the idea of the project itself is simply unique. The site is constantly updated and improved. Now the Big Game is gaining momentum! ... and again news - an investor page is being created on the ONECLI website!

Marat Simakov

(translated from RU) The birth of Onecli is the birth of a new trend. And only those who read the idea, comprehend and understand it, will see the prospects that this company opens up. Write to me and I will tell you everything !!!!

Alexey Ignatenko

(translated from RU) The Onecli platform is a great opportunity to create a money generator and a source of passive income for years to come. Here everyone will find a tool to their liking, from buying cheap currency, receiving dividends from owning company shares, to creating a serious business!
Евгений Игоревич
Evgeniy Igorevich
Нюргустан Федотов
Nurgustan Fedotov
Екатерина Чепрунова
Ekaterina Cheprunova
Виталий Лапука
Vitaliy Lapuka
Антон Буйницкий
Anton Buynitskiy
Алексей Бартов
Alexey Bartov
Александр Шаляпин
Alexandr Shalyapin
Марина Морденко
Marina Mordenko
Марат Симаков
Marat Simakov
Алексей Игнатенко
Alexey Ignatenko

Do you want to get into the block of investors?

Write about it in the Telegram support account: @onecli_support